Glen Echo Contracting

6302 W Halbert Rd
Bethesda, MD 20817 240-997-8062



Consumer Ratings for Glen Echo Contracting — 8 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Doing service properly on first try
Advice on service options and costs
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for Glen Echo Contracting

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Consumer from Washington, DC
Apr 22, 2024
Consumer from Washington, DC
Feb 08, 2024
I can't recommend Bob and Jason more highly. Bob gave us options for rebuilding our deck so that we could choose the price points that fit our budget. Their work was meticulous as was their cleanup. The two subs hired for staining and parging were also wonderful and Bob checked on them daily.
Consumer from Rockville, MD
Aug 05, 2023
Bob and Jason were at our house every day for about three weeks to build a new deck and renovate our 17-year-old screened-in porch. They arrived promptly at about 8 am each morning and worked until about 4:30 pm. It was a pleasure to have them on our property every day. They are good-natured and no-nonsense and reliable. They were also great at diagnosing issues and displayed impressive problem-solving skills. We liked that Bob made provisions to remove the old materials from our lawn in a prompt manner, which helped preserve the grass and reduced the visual clutter on our property. Bob hired competent subcontractors (to paint deck/porch and repair roof, add gutters, etc.) and he regularly monitored them to ensure that their work met his high standards. Bob provided fair estimates and was willing to negotiate to redefine some of the add-on work to lower the cost. We highly recommend Glen Echo Contracting and we plan to hire them again for other work.

...and 5 more consumer comments for Glen Echo Contracting